Senin, 20 Mei 2013

Tugas Softskill bahasa inggris bisnis 2

John was sick : therefore he  didn't I come to school.
(john sakit: karena dia tidak saya datang ke sekolah.)

Mr smith doesn't like his aunt however he invited her to his wedding.
(mr smith tidak suka bibinya namun ia mengundangnya ke tempat pernikahan.)

You should get the license right away. Otherwise you will not have to play
( Anda harus mendapatkan lisensi segera. Jika tidak Anda tidak bisa bermain)

I don't fell like going to that party beside i have a bad cold, so I shouldn't go out.
(saya tidak suka pergi ke pesta itu di samping saya pun flu, jadi saya tidak harus pergi keluar)


Both gold and green kiwifruits are widely cultivated in New Zealand; furthermore/moreover, they’re distributed to our country.
The scientists found that the question is difficult; besides, they needed to work hard to solved it.

If the sun shines tomorrow, i’ll go swimming; otherwise, maybe i’ll try the new recipe in the kitchen.

Go to the shop and buy me a magazine; in the meanwhile, I will take a bath.